
Double Bass Music of Frank Proto
With: John Ebinger, Roy Hakes
Jazz Concert 2019
With: Mira Costa Bands, Joel Carlson, Jazz I, Combo I, Combo...
Here & Now
With: Ivan Díaz, Benito Gonzalez, Corcoran Holt, Myron Wald...
35th Anniversary Concert
Coastal Communities Concert Band
The Great American Songbook
With: Harry Watters, Salt River Brass, Patrick Sheridan
Tambores: Rhythms for the Soul
With: Dom Moio, Joe Garcia
I Got'cha Drums Right Here
Dom Moio
Cinco de Moio
With: Dom Moio, Joe Garcia, Jerry Donato, Ioannis Goudelis, ...
It's About Time
With: Dom Moio, Joe Diorio
Classic Jazz
Solano Winds
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Jazz Sub Genres