
Dancing the Night Away
With: Coastal Communities Concert Band, Tom Cole
Centennial Chimes
UNCG Wind Ensemble
Live In Concert, Recording 131
With: University of Illinois Bands, James F. Keene
With: Coastal Communities Concert Band, Rick Evans, Chris Vi...
America the Beautiful
Coastal Communities Concert Band
Live In Concert, Recording 126
With: University of Illinois Bands, James F. Keene
Spirit of 1945
Coastal Communities Concert Band
As You Like It
With: Coastal Communities Concert Band, Tom Cole, Bill Richa...
Salute to Young Musicians 2018
Coastal Communities Concert Band
A Legacy Rediscovered: The Music of Ernest S. Williams
With: University of Central Oklahoma Wind Symphony, Brian La...
Music For A Golden Sky
With: University of Illinois Bands, James F. Keene
Summer Pops
Coastal Communities Concert Band
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Classical Sub Genres