
New Music Series, Vol. 2
With: Joan Heller, Pierre-Yves Artaud, Arthur Haas, Dorothy ...
Thomas DeLio: Selected Compositions (1986-2017)
With: Jane Rigler, Shoko Nagai, Janet Feder, Satoshi Takeish...
Electro Acoustic Music VI
With: Charles Lipp, Daniel Kientzy
Thomas DeLio: Selected Compositions (1972-2015)
With: Thomas DeLio, Aleck Karis, Steven Schick, John Fonvill...
Non Acoustic Symphony
With: Dariusz Mazurowski
Roger Reynolds - Personae - The Vanity of Words - Variation
With: Dean Anderson
With: Joanna Kurkowicz, Samir Chatterjee, National Polish Ra...
the imagE-imAge set
With: Rachel Beetz, Alexis Descharmes, Mark Menzies, John Pi...
Making a Song and Dance
With: Elizabeth Bennett, Christopher Blake, Paul Schumann, S...
Iannis Xenakis
With: Iannis Xenakis, La Jolla Symphony Orchestra, Philip La...
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Classical Sub Genres