Label: Soundset Recordings
Item Number: SR1171
Format: Download
Year Recorded: 2024
Dream States
Arizona Wind Quintet
Brian Luce - Flute
Sara Fraker - Oboe
Jackie Glazier - Clarinet
Johanna Lundy - Horn
Marissa Olegario - Bassoon
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Charles Philip Daniels Torres: Imágenes Oníricas
El Pez que Camina01.I. El Pez que Camina   5:16
El Cuarto del Infinito02.II. El Cuarto del Infinito   4:27
Colin I. Nossek: Dream States
The sound of rain on asphalt gives way to a deep slumber03.I. The sound of rain on asphalt gives way to a deep slumber   5:41
A fiddler in the desert plays for an audience of dancing sparrows04.II. A fiddler in the desert plays for an audience of dancing sparrows   3:47
Those trees whose voices can be heard from beneath a moonlit pool05.III. Those trees whose voices can be heard from beneath a moonlit pool   5:19
The rain becomes a cloud of fireflies illuminating a grove06.IV. The rain becomes a cloud of fireflies illuminating a grove   3:56
Chicago Variations07.Daniel Asia: Chicago Variations   5:00
Soul on Fire08.Yuanyuan (Kay) HE: Soul on Fire   5:25
Alcatraz09.Nubia Jaime Donjuan: Alcatraz   3:37
Total Playing Time: 42:28